Supply and Multiply facilitates Biblical-based training for all of our mission teams. Below are resources for all Supply and Multiply teams as well as some answers to frequently asked questions.
Founder and Executive Director, Pastor Chris Surber explains the biblical philosophy that under-girds all of the compassion ministries of Supply and Multiply. Matthew 25:35-36.
Founder and Executive Director, Pastor Chris Surber discusses the aim of the ministry - to lead people to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:16-20.
Speaking to some from outside of our culture through a translator can be intimidating and challenging. In this video Pastor Chris gives a few key principles on the mechanics and heart matter of speaking through a translator. (5 min)
Don't be afraid to interact with people from another culture even without knowing their language. You'll be amazed how far heart-to-heart, life-on-life interaction can take us when we have the courage to try! (3 min)
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