Since 2015, Supply and Multiply has rented homes for individuals in need of home security. These individuals are elderly, widows, orphans, disabled, land dispute refugees, and the vulnerable.
"And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’" Matthew 25:40
The Housing Stability Sponsorship Program is $21.00 a month. To also support food delivery for the family, your total monthly sponsorship for both rent and food will be $56.00.
We Need Your Help as We Prepare to Serve in Honduras!
*We need a few more items for the ministry center that serves women who are victims of the sex industry and their children.
*We want to celebrate with the students at Ebenezer School by hosting a pizza party on our last day.
*Some of our guests coming to Night to Shine attending this special event need help with transportation and clothing to make their night truly unforgettable.
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